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Worry Free Protection with Device Care Complete

For only $15/mo.

✓ Coverage for lost or stolen devices with extended protection against accidental damage

✓ Protection for up to 2 incidents of accidental damage or manufacturing defects during a continuous 12-month period

✓ Protection from physical damage, including cracked screens, broken camera, power ports that won’t charge and other valuable features such as your microphone and speaker malfunctioning

Bundle TELUS Home and Mobility for unbeatable price!

Our representatives are mobile and home solutions experts!
We will work with you on a bundle of internet, TV, security and mobile customized to your needs.

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Contact us for most up to date promotions!

Contact us to explore the mobile and home offers available to you. From device and rate plan promotions to deals on internet, TV and Security to protect your home or office, now is great time to take advantage of the savings offered from TELUS.

As a TELUS Platinum Dealer, you get all of the benefits & technology of TELUS, but with superior, personalized customer service!