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Pacific CoastCom’s PureFibre Gigabit Internet

Pacific CoastCom’s new TELUS Fibre brings you one of the fastest internet connections in Western Canada. Our PureFibre network offers lines that are made completely with fibre optic cables. Many other providers will claim to have fibre optics when their fibre optic cables only connect to copper or coaxial cables at your home. We provide fibre optics right to your doorstep. With us, you get a dedicated line which means a more stable connection and faster speeds. This innovative type of home internet is sure to please everyone in the house. Your family can game, video call, stream, and upload all at the same time without feeling like you’re fighting over your connection.

Features of TELUS PureFibre Home Internet

When looking for internet providers, it’s all about the features. How fast is it? How reliable is it? Will it go out? At Pacific CoastCom, we know you have a lot of questions about our TELUS Fibre PureFibre Internet. We have been considered Canada’s fastest internet service provider for four years in a row, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The features of TELUS PureFibre include:

  • The most consistent internet technology in the country
  • Fibre optic lines that bring data right to your door at lightning-fast speeds
  • Fastest Wi-Fi speeds in Western Canada
  • Download and upload at the same speed
  • Upload speeds of up to 3,000 Gbps
  • Download speeds of up to 3000 Gbps
fiber optic internet

Want Fast Internet? Get TELUS Fibre PureFibre!

You may be asking why you should switch to a new internet service provider if you have been with your current one for a while. Well, the short answer is because we can offer you a faster, more reliable connection at a better price. Our upload speeds are nine times faster than the competition, and are the only fibre optic connection direct to your home so you get speed you just can’t get with copper coaxial cable. We can provide you with cutting-edge Wi-Fi 6 hardware, which includes specially designed hardware to take full advantage of TELUS PureFibre.

Faster and More Reliable Than the Leading Competitors

At Pacific CoastCom, we have set ourselves apart from the competition in several ways. We have the only fibre optic connection that is direct to your home so you get speed you just can’t get with copper coaxial cable from our competition With out TELUS PureFibre with speeds at 3,000 Gbps, you will enjoy lag-free, consistent internet. TELUS has also been called Canada’s most reliable and fastest internet service provider by PCMag. With all these accolades, you might assume that Rogers is a budget option, but that’s not the case. We offer our superior services at $85 per month on a two-year term, while Shaw demands $110 per month for the same term. Once you’ve made the side-by-side comparison, it’s a no-brainer. Pacific CoastCom’s TELUS PureFibre is the way to go.

Now that you know why Pacific CoastCom’s TELUS PureFibre is the best way to get your internet, you are probably ready for us to get you connected. Well, don’t wait any longer. We always have agents ready to answer your questions and start connecting you with the fastest and most reliable internet you’ve ever had. To get started, call us directly or book a virtual consult.

As a TELUS Platinum Dealer, you get all of the benefits & technology of TELUS, but with superior, personalized customer service!