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About Pacific CoastCom

Pacific CoastCom is a full-service solution provider of telecommunication services to businesses in Western Canada.

Our goal is to understand your business and bring you the best telecom solutions. We begin by listening and taking the time to get to know your company’s needs and vision. This enables us to provide the best technology solutions for your business to realize gains in efficiency and productivity. From TELUS wireless solutions to 2-way Radio and Satellite communications – we partner with industry leaders to deliver quality products backed by our commitment to service.

coworkers looking at computer

We’re Here to Serve You

Designated a TELUS Platinum Partner and the recipient of Top TELUS Dealership in Western Canada Award for 10 consecutive years, Pacific CoastCom is most proud of the accolades received from our satisfied clients.

With 18 locations in BC & Alberta to serve you in person coupled with online capabilities to service your organization fulfillment needs across the country, contact us today for a full review of your telecommunication needs. Let us help your organization fully realize the benefits that wireless technology presents.

Our History

Incorporated in 1987, Pacific CoastCom has decades of delivering the expertise to simplify the complexities of wireless, allowing businesses to fully realize the benefits the technology presents.

We are a full-service solution supplier and one of Western Canada’s most experienced telecommunication providers. Our Business Solutions Team is committed to fostering long term relationships with clients by providing customized, proven solutions in an environment of integrity. We understand the complexities of today’s business market and know that companies need practical, productive tools to maximize their investment in communications.

PCC has multiple Business Centers with highly trained service technicians that are constantly being updated on the latest products, repair procedures, and installation practices. Our account managers receive ongoing training provided by manufacturers and industry specialists, ensuring that they remain current with the newest solutions available. We are a team motivated towards customer excellence, captured by our industry, and as our references will attest, we earn the right to be called your communications partner.

As a TELUS Platinum Dealer, you get all of the benefits & technology of TELUS, but with superior, personalized customer service!